суббота, 30 мая 2009 г.

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Transracial Adoption

The term transracial adoption refers to the integration of racially different parents and children within a family unit.
Over the past few decades, the prevalence of transracial families has significantly increased, and along with them, polarized viewpoints on the benefits and costs of integrating families - usually White parents with non-White children.
As the transracially adoptive parents of African-American or biracial children, we strive to instill in them an understanding of their roots, as well as a sense of cultural identity and pride.
Millions of children await for homes, stability and a parent's love. Yet thousands of individuals condemn and criticize parents of trans racial adoption. Controversially surrounds the idea that a parent of different melanin and cultural heritage are somehow unable to provide a home that will instill culture pride in their children.
Racism exists. White Privilege does too. Yet, love transcends color. Transracial adoption, international adoption, interracial adoption requires families to see beyond their comfort zone. The life of a child is precious stability and love should weigh heavier than "matching" his adoptive mother's skin. Unfortunately, there are no guidelines or checklists for parents to instill racial pride in a child who has been adopted trans racially.
Transracially adoption, international adoption, interracial adoption the children do not have the advantage of learning about their birth culture through everyday cues and bits of knowledge, assimilated almost unconsciously over years, as in single-race families. So the responsibility that parents have to their different-race children can seem overwhelming.
To fulfill that responsibility experts recommend:
o interacting with people of your child's race - of all different professions
o living in multicultural neighborhoods
o finding same race mentors and role models for your child - a mentor, teacher, pastor
o advocating for unbiased learning materials
o confronting racism openly and not making excuses for those ignorant individuals who say something stupid
o cooking and eating ethnic dishes
o providing special maintenance to hair and skin
o celebrating all cultures
o taking part in homeland tours and culture camps
o creating a positive cultural environment at home
No blueprint or formula, however, can assure that a child will grow up feeling proud of his or her ethnic heritage. Making efforts to embrace various cultures and equal can assist a child to experience a fuller life than a child of a single race family.

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